If you use or store hazardous materials in your facility, Chem Klean is your local source for a wide range of products to keep people and property protected and your organization compliant. Since 1999, we've supplied businesses across the South Florida region with quality supplies for safely handling and managing industrial waste.

Extensive Range of Hazardous Waste Disposal Supplies

Whether you're looking to buy personal protective equipment, safety signage or materials for shipping hazardous waste, we serve businesses of any type and size with affordable equipment to help you become and remain compliant. We'll help you meet all the standards set by SPCC, DOT, EPA, OSHA, ANSI and other regulatory requirements. Our customers often include:

Eyewash Stations

Our emergency eyewash stations are an invaluable resource for any facility handling hazardous materials. Chemical accidents are always possible — even with all the best safety measures and procedures in place. If an employee makes accidental contact with harmful or corrosive liquids or substances, an eyewash station provides a steady stream of pressurized water, rinsing the face and eyes for anywhere from five minutes to one hour depending on contact severity.

An emergency eyewash station is an OSHA requirement in any business where employees may come into contact with corrosive materials. As such, these safety devices are necessary for any organization working with:

  • Hazardous chemicals
  • High volumes of dust
  • Oil, fuel and petroleum
  • Batteries and charging stations

Personal Protective Equipment

Personal protective equipment (PPE) is the first line of defense for protecting staff and visitors from the hazards posed by flammables, corrosives and industrial waste. We carry an extensive selection of personal industrial safety equipment to ensure your facility is fully compliant and safe for everyone on the premises.

Keep employees and visitors protected from head to toe with modern PPE designed to withstand the hazardous materials common to your facility. We carry all the necessary equipment for meeting all EPA standards of protection, from the minimum level (D) up to the maximum (A), including advanced protection for the skin, eyes and respiratory tract.

Absorbent Rolls and Pads

If you have hazardous materials stored or in use anywhere on your property, spills are a predictable part of life. Whether it's from employees moving too fast, outdated equipment or a hole in a container, leaks happen. With our high-quality absorbent rolls and pads, you can contain, capture and clean industrial chemicals and waste on the spot.

Chem Klean absorbent rolls and pads are affordable and excellent for use in an automotive repair facility, warehouse, laboratory or many other locations. These products feature superior absorption for cleaning spills containing oil, hydraulic fluid, fuel and much more. With our quality rolls and pads on hand, employees can respond to spills fast, keeping the work area clean and safe.


Environmental Friendly Air Over the Mountains

Committed to Providing Reliable and Professional Waste Removal

High-Quality Equipment for Safe Handling and Disposal of Hazardous Materials

Keep your facility safe and ensure compliance with all local, state and federal regulations with the right industrial waste removal and safety equipment. If you're not sure which items you need for your facility, we can help. Schedule a site assessment with one of our EHS consultants for professional guidance anywhere in the South Florida region.

At Chem Klean, we're a family-owned company with over 20 years of on-the-ground industry experience in the local area. Our environmental experts have the skills and resources to help your organization plan for a cleaner future. Request a free custom quote today, or call 305-863-7807 to speak to an expert and learn more about our wide range of environmental services.